Motorised Perambulators

Gallery opened 28 Aug 2023

Updated 10 Mar 2024

Dunkley patent drawings added

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It is a good general rule that if there is an artefact with wheels on, somebody will get the notion of adding an engine to it.

A good example elsewhere in the Museum is the motorised sack-barrow

Left: Motorised perambulator in England: 1921-23

This is the Dunkley Pramotor, introduced in 1921, or 1923 according to some sources. The Pramotor was a scooter attached to the rear of a large baby pram, and the intrepid nanny rode standing astride the engine on the scooter platform. Early versions were powered by a 1 HP horizontal single-speed two-stroke engine.

It was manufactured by W.H. Dunkley of Birmingham, UK.

There is more info here.

This is clearly a genuine 5-wheeled vehicle, in the 4+1 format. They are rare but you can see some in the N-wheel car gallery of the Museum.

Ooh-er, is that a golliwog in the pram?

Left: Motorised perambulator in England: 1921-23

This was clearly taken on the same photoshoot.

Note the heavyweight wheels on the pram to carry the weight of the scooter attachment.

Left: The Dunkley Patent: 1921-23

This version has a seat for more relaxing pram-driving.

Left: The Dunkley Patent: 1921-23

This is the hard-top version, with stream-lined nose. No seat for the nanny on this model.

Left: The Dunkley Patent: 1921-23

This shows a different form of the Motorpram; here there are six wheels rather than five. In Figures 1 and 2 the pram is propelled by a fifth wheel assembly under the pram body that incorporates a small engine. The nanny stands on a platform at the back which is supported by a sixth wheel. It all looks rather clumsy, and it is not quite clear how you would steer it.

Figure 5 adds a steering wheel, which controls Ackermann steering of the front pair of wheels.

Source: US patent 1,565,719 of Dec 1925

Left: The Dunkley Patent: 1921-23

This is the form of pram seen in the photographs, with the motor-trailer articulated with the rear axle of the pram.

Here the bevel gearing on the engine appears to give a step-up rather than the reduction that would actually be needed. This drives a disc 89 which appears to give friction drive to the rear wheel; the effective gear ratio could be altered by moving the disc and rear wheel sideways in relation to each other, but no means of doing this is shown.

Source: US patent 1,565,719 of Dec 1925

Left: Electric motorised perambulator in England: 1921

All that is currently known is that this is a Mrs P Mackenzie, in charge of an electrically-powered perambulator. It has been said it was the invention of a clergyman,

The electric motor is visible at lower left just above the smaller wheel. There seems to be a gear-reduction drive from motor to axle. The battery is the box under the centre of the pram body. There seems to be two switches on the handbar.

Left: Motorised perambulator in England: 20??

Plumber Colin Furze added an engine to a silver metal pushchair, giving it a top speed of 50mph. It is called the Megapram. As with the Dunkley Pramotor, the driver stands on a trailer at the rear. The engine installation includes a pneumatically-powered gear-change.

He has a YouTube channel here.

There is also a website page here.

Left: Motorised perambulator in England: 20??

Before you panic, there is no actual baby in the pram.

Now, this is also a five-wheeled vehicle, in the 3+2 format.

Left: The Kiddyboost perambulator attachment: now

Here is the Kiddyboost! This is the linear descendent of the Pramotor. It is a single-wheel trailer powered by an electric motor and storage battery. Clearly a five-wheeled vehicle.

Left: The Kiddyboost perambulator attachment: now

As you can see, triplets are catered for. Another five-wheeled vehicle.

More numerous multiple births are not catered for.

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